Tuesday, August 28

Pinterest Tuesday: easy summer dessert edition

Last week we took a trip out to a farm to pick our own fruit. The Mackintosh Fruit Farm was charming and affordable and completely deserted on a Monday afternoon. We picked honey crisp apples and yellow peaches, and we bought tomatoes, corn, and zucchini from the garden.

The fruit we left with weighed more than Atlas.

Over the course of the week I made apple sauce and an apple pie, but I didn't have a good idea for what to make with the peaches. They are delicious as they are, but I wasn't confident we would get through all of them before they start going bad. So I actually searched Pinterest for "peach dessert" and found inspiration from this pin of peach flambe.

I actually made my version before reading the instructional (I wish I had read it for the safety tips if nothing else, but it probably doesn't matter as much on my electric range as on their grill). A friend of mine made this dessert when we were in high school, and I felt qualified to attempt it having watched him (over ten years ago). Anyway, I used 2 T butter and 2 T brown sugar and melted them together on medium heat. I added a large sliced peach and cooked until it was tender.

Next time I would add another peach even though the one we used was large.

I added a generous splash of raspberry rum (the only real berries I had were frozen, so I decided to skip them).

Next time I will add more. It will be more likely to light!

With Patrick's help we turned out lights and prepared to light the concoction and take fantastic pictures. It didn't light. We tried and tried and finally decided to just let the alcohol simmer off. I added a pinch of cinnamon and served it up over vanilla ice cream. Delicious!

This is a Patrick-sized serving.

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